Heterodontosaurus in its natural habitat


Unique teeth, versatile eater!




Measured about 1 meter long.


Stood about 30 centimeters tall at the hips.


Estimated to weigh around 5 kilograms.

Heterodontosaurus is an intriguing dinosaur known for its unique dental features, combining different types of teeth in a small yet agile body. It roamed the early Jurassic landscapes, displaying a fascinating blend of herbivorous and carnivorous traits that allowed it to adapt to varied diets. Its name means 'different toothed lizard,' highlighting its distinctive dental adaptation among dinosaurs.


Heterodontosaurus was an omnivore, consuming both plants and small animals. Its mixed diet helped it thrive in regions where food sources varied.


Despite its small size, it likely used its speed to catch small insects or animals. Its varied teeth suggest it was well adapted to a diverse diet, allowing some opportunistic hunting.

Environmental challenges

Living in the early Jurassic period, Heterodontosaurus faced shifting climates that required adaptability. The need for diverse food sources was driven by environmental changes that affected plant availability. Predation by larger dinosaurs also presented a constant threat, pushing Heterodontosaurus towards agility and speed for defense.


It was likely quite agile and fast.


Its lifespan isn't clearly known, but similar dinosaurs lived for about 10-20 years.

First discovery

It was first discovered in South Africa in the 1960s.

Fun Facts

  • Heterodontosaurus was a small dinosaur that lived around 200 million years ago during the Early Jurassic period.
  • Its name means 'different-toothed lizard' because it had a unique combination of teeth for eating plants and possibly insects.
  • Unlike many other plant-eating dinosaurs, Heterodontosaurus had canine-like teeth typical of predators, which puzzles scientists about its diet.
  • This dinosaur was about the size of a turkey, measuring around 3 feet long, making it one of the smaller dinosaurs.
  • Heterodontosaurus might have been able to move quickly on its two hind legs, similar to how modern birds run.
  • Fossil evidence suggests that Heterodontosaurus lived in what is now Southern Africa.
  • Despite its small size, Heterodontosaurus had a sturdy build and strong legs, hinting at its agility and versatility in its environment.

Growth and Development

Heterodontosaurus likely experienced rapid growth during the early stages of life to quickly reach adulthood and face predators. Dental changes occurred as it matured, reflecting shifts in dietary preferences. Its development would have been crucial for surviving the rigors of Jurassic life.


Heterodontosaurus lived in diverse environments, from open plains to forested areas. These landscapes provided shelter and varied food resources, supporting its omnivorous diet. Its habitat choices were influenced by environmental pressures and predator presence.

Interaction with other species

This dinosaur likely competed with other herbivores for plant resources. It may have avoided larger carnivorous dinosaurs by taking advantage of its smaller size and speed. Heterodontosaurus' adaptability likely contributed to its survival among various species.

Natural lifespan

Its natural lifespan might have ranged from 10 to 20 years.


Heterodontosaurus likely laid eggs, as many small dinosaurs did, possibly in nests to protect against predators. Parental care might have been minimal, with young dinosaurs rapidly growing to sustain themselves. Reproductive strategies were crucial adaptations for survival in fluctuating environments.

Social behaviour

It might have lived in small groups or alone, depending on resource availability. Social behavior could have included strategies for foraging and predator avoidance. Its interactions were likely influenced by environmental conditions and competitive pressures for food.

Fossil locations

Fossils of Heterodontosaurus have been found primarily in South Africa, providing insights into its early Jurassic environment. These discoveries have been crucial in understanding its adaptive features and lifestyle. Fossil distribution gives a glimpse into its ecological niches during its existence.