The dinosaur with bat-like wings!
About 32 centimeters long.
Around 30 centimeters tall.
Approximately 500 grams.
Ambopteryx was a small, feathered dinosaur known for its membranous wings, similar to those of bats. These wings suggest it was capable of gliding between trees. It belonged to a group of dinosaurs called scansoriopterygids, which were relatively small and adapted for life in the trees. The discovery of Ambopteryx has provided significant insights into the diversity of flying adaptations among dinosaurs.
Ambopteryx was likely an omnivore due to its diverse dietary habits. It may have consumed insects, small animals, and plants found in its arboreal habitat.
Instead of being a fierce hunter, Ambopteryx probably foraged for food among the trees. Its ability to glide allowed it to access different parts of the forest canopy in search of food.
Environmental challenges
Ambopteryx inhabited an environment dense with trees and vegetation, posing challenges for land-based navigation. Seasonal changes may have affected food availability, requiring adaptability in foraging strategies. Its lightweight structure was advantageous in avoiding terrestrial predators by escaping quickly into the trees.
Slow and gliding, not built for running.
Estimated around 10-20 years.
First discovery
Discovered in Liaoning, China in 2019.
Fun Facts
- Ambopteryx was a small dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 163 million years ago.
- This dinosaur was discovered in Liaoning, China, and its name means 'both wing', referring to its membranous wings similar to those of modern bats.
- Unlike most dinosaurs that used feathers for flight, Ambopteryx had wing membranes supported by a long wrist bone, which is quite unique among dinosaurs.
- Despite its wings, Ambopteryx was likely not capable of sustained flight like modern birds, but it could glide short distances.
- The diet of Ambopteryx is believed to have included both plants and small animals, making it an omnivore.
- Ambopteryx is part of the Scansoriopterygidae family, known for their unusual wing structures and climbing adaptations.
- Its discovery has provided valuable insights into the evolution of flight in dinosaurs, showing a diversity of wing forms and potential behaviors.
Growth and Development
Ambopteryx would have required precise development of its membranous wings as it matured, crucial for gliding. Juveniles likely remained close to parental units until gaining sufficient strength and size. Growth patterns may have been influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and resource availability.
The habitat of Ambopteryx was a forested region rich in biodiversity, including various flora and fauna. The environment supported a range of small vertebrates and insects, providing ample dietary options. Forest density offered cover and roosting options from predators.
Interaction with other species
Ambopteryx lived amongst a variety of small arboreal and terrestrial animals, interacting primarily in competition for resources. Symbiotic relationships with certain plants or insects could have existed, providing mutual benefits. Predation pressure from larger animals shaped some of its behavioral responses.
Natural lifespan
Ambopteryx naturally lived around 10-20 years.
It is likely that Ambopteryx reproduced by laying eggs in nests constructed within trees. Parental care might have been present until juveniles developed gliding abilities. The social structure around reproduction could have included communal nesting for added protection.
Social behaviour
Ambopteryx might have exhibited social behavior, possibly forming small family groups for protection and mutual aid. Communication with conspecifics could have occurred through vocalizations or visual displays. Group dynamics aided in foraging and raising offspring.
Fossil locations
Fossils of Ambopteryx have been primarily discovered in the Liaoning Province of China. This region is known for its well-preserved dinosaur fossils from the Jurassic period. The fossil record includes well-articulated skeletal remains, offering insights into its flight capabilities.
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